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Urgent travel warning to anyone taking an Easter break this weekend

BySpotted UK

Apr 7, 2023

Good Friday marks the start of the long Easter weekend, and with the extra days off, many people plan to travel to see friends or relatives, or to simply get a change of scenery.

And while it can be really enjoyable visiting loved ones, experts have issued a warning about just how many vehicles will hit the roads today (Friday) alone.

Research suggests almost 17m leisure trips will take place over the Easter break, with close to 3m drivers taking to the motorways on Good Friday alone, with travel chaos expected.

READ MORE: Highway Code warning as drivers could be hit with fines at Easter

These huge volumes of traffic will be extra problematic due to the state of the UKs roads, with many in high states of disrepair. Add to this the heavy rain that is forecast, and you have a number of less than ideal driving conditions.

Founder of ChooseMyCar.com, Nick Zapolski told the ECHO he expects a higher rate of road accidents over the Easter weekend. He believes "being well prepared is half the battle".

Here are Mr Zapolski's top tips to stay safe on the roads this weekend.

Use your satnav

"It may sound obvious, but many people who travel to family or friends don't bother to check their route beforehand. Even if you don't think you need the satnav, it's sensible to check your journey before you leave to avoid any road closures or accidents."


"As previously mentioned, potholes are a massive issue on the UK's roads right now, and can cause serious damage to your car. If you hit one, pull over somewhere safe and photograph the pothole, documenting where you hit it. It's vital you report it, so it can be fixed."

Flooded roads and heavy rain

"Flash floods can happen very quickly and without warning. If you do get caught out in heavy rain on the road, turn your headlights on and drive to higher ground. Leave twice as much stopping distance as normal between the vehicle in front of you.

"Try to avoid standing water if you can, however it is passable if care is taken. Once you get through the water, test your brakes immediately."

Prepare your car

"Before you set out on your journey, make sure your vehicle is in tip top shape. Make sure that your air pressure is good, your windscreen fluid is topped up, and keep some items inside it for emergencies.

"A warning triangle, water, high vis clothing, torch and phone charger are all important items to keep in your vehicle. The weather over Easter in 2023 isn’t as warm as previous years with night temperatures down to 3C, so be sure to have some warm clothing, coats and blankets just in case you’re stuck for a while."

Snacks and tech

"If you’re heading to the coast or have a long journey with your family, it’s best to have food and drink for additional journey time. If you’re like most parents, you’ll have a snack bag at the ready which also will save you costs instead of buying items at service stops.

"It’s best to always have a large bottle of water in the boot if you need a drink.

"You also can’t always rely on phone signal or the internet. Most streaming services like BBC iplayer, Sky + and Disney Plus have the option to download content for long journeys, which we would advise you to do."

What do to if you break down

"Should this happen to you, the very first thing you need to do is alert other drivers to your issue using your hazard lights. Once your hazards are on, and it’s safe to do so, pull over in the most suitable place, avoiding ditches, long grass or soft verges, as you may get stuck.

"Once you’re safely stopped, ideally you would place a warning triangle 45 metres behind your car and put on some high visibility clothing, yet most drivers do not carry these items in their cars. If your vehicle is on the road, ensure you remain outside of the vehicle and away from the road. Call breakdown or another professional who can help. If you have no phone signal, wait for another car and flag them down."

Breaking down on a motorway

"If you’re in an outside lane, indicate left and move over to the left hand lane. Then move onto the hard shoulder and put your hazard lights on. Exit your vehicle from the left hand side of the car and remain behind the safety barrier. Call national highways on 0300 123 5000, then a breakdown provider and anyone else that needs to know."

What to do if your brakes fail

"Put your hazards on immediately and slow your vehicle, using your gears. Once you’ve reached a slow enough speed, use the handbrake to come to a complete stop. Ensure you’re steering your car to a suitable stopping place.

"In the worst case scenario, where you’re unable to bring the vehicle to a stop using your gears or brakes, you’ll have to use something to slow you down, such as the kerb or a safety barrier."

Flat tyre/tyre blowout

"Calmly pull over in a safe place and put your hazard lights on. A flat tyre can be easily resolved, so make sure you’re carrying a spare or repair kit.

"A blow out can be a scary experience, especially as our initial instinct to brake can make it worse. Braking can cause the vehicle to spin, so instead hold the steering wheel firmly and allow the car to slow down itself. Once you have slowed, try to find a safe place to stop and again, put your hazard lights on.

"Ensure you know how to change your tyre and it’s safe to do so. If you’re unsure how to change a tyre, or it’s unsafe to do so, call a breakdown provider."

Headlights stop working

"If your headlights stop working, don't stop suddenly, but instead ensure you pull over safely as soon as you can. Use other lights on your vehicle such as hazards, side lights, or even the interior light to ensure visibility.

"Once pulled over, try to identify the cause of the problem. If the problem isn’t able to be fixed, call your breakdown provider. If you don’t have any cover, and it’s safe to do so, park your car in a safe place off the road, lock it and return to the vehicle in daylight to fix the issue, or get it towed to the nearest garage."

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