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Sick animal abusers who left their pets to rot inside houses of horrors

BySpotted UK

Oct 14, 2023

The disturbing case of animal neglecter Laura Tate was heard in Liverpool Magistrates' Court this week.

Tate, who previously lived in a city centre flat on Union Street before fleeing to Coventry, left her helpless pets to starve in squalid conditions. Tate was evicted from the property and left without taking her pets – a black and white bull breed dog and long-haired ginger cat.

The animals were left in the flat alone for several days and it was only after Tate's neighbours complained about a "fishy smell" that the RSPCA and the flat's landlord managed to gain entry to the flat. Inside the house of horrors inspectors found animal waste, litter and empty bags of pet food strewn across the floor.

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However, Tate is not the first animal neglecter to come through Liverpool's courts. The ECHO has put together a list of a number of people who have left their pets in horrific conditions inside their homes. Sadly, in most cases the animals died.

Laura Tate

Photos of a horrific flat where a dog and cat were left to die have been released by the RSPCA. The animals were found by the property's landlord – in squalid conditions – on 14 April last year after their owner Laura Tate had moved out and left them to die on Union Street in Liverpool city centre

The animals were found by the property’s landlord – in squalid conditions – on April 14 last year after their owner Tate had moved out and left them. Genghis, a black and white bull breed dog was found dead in the hallway after being shut in the lounge with no food or water.

He had escaped from the lounge through a hole in the door. Tiggy, a long-haired ginger cat, was found deceased amongst rubbish in one of the bedrooms. Both of the animals were decomposing and had most likely been dead for several days.

At a sentencing hearing at Liverpool Magistrates' Court on Monday (October 9), Tate, of McDonald Road in Coventry, was handed a 20-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. She had pleaded guilty to two offences contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 at an earlier hearing in August following a prosecution by the RSPCA.

The court heard that one of the charity’s inspectors, Leanne Cooper, had been asked to attend the property after the landlord had decided to evict Tate following ongoing complaints from other tenants about the smell coming from the flat.

Inspector Cooper said: "On approach to the door of the flat I could smell a strong, foul smell which smelt like rotting flesh. This smell increased when the door was opened and when I went inside it was overpowering."

"I could immediately see a dead dog laying in the hallway. The dog was a black bull breed type and looked to be very underweight with ribs, spine and hips prominent.

“I realised I couldn’t see the dog’s eyes and so it appeared to me that he had been dead for some time and was in the stages of decomposition… The whole floor of the lounge area was covered in dried faeces – some of which were mouldy – with no clean area to stand in. I couldn’t see any evidence of food or water provided.” Tiggy’s body was found in a bedroom cluttered with household items and rubbish.

Photos of a horrific flat where a dog and cat were left to die have been released by the RSPCA. The animals were found by the property's landlord – in squalid conditions – on 14 April last year after their owner Laura Tate had moved out and left them to die on Union Street in Liverpool city centre

The vet who examined Genghis and Tiggy’s bodies and gave evidence to the court, said: “From the information provided it is not possible to conclude accurately how long they had been deceased when discovered on April 14, although the absence of eyes suggests they had been dead for at least several days.

“However, it is reasonable to conclude they died while housed within the flat and at that time they did not have access to drinking water and the environment was unsuitable by virtue of numerous faeces deposits and physical injury hazards such as sharp edged tin cans and shards of glass.

“In the absence of water, both likely died of dehydration. Dehydration causes suffering via mechanisms of pain, disorientation, weakness, eventual collapse, organ failure and death."

In addition to the suspended prison sentence, Tate was disqualified from keeping any animals for ten years, given 20 RAR days and ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

Leanne and Jonathan Brookshaw

Leanne and Jonathan Brookshaw leave Liverpool court

Married couple Leanne and Jonathan Brookshaw left a bulldog named Coco to starve to death in what an RSPCA officer described as one of the "saddest sights ever seen". The RSPCA was called to the flat at Dorset Gardens, Birkenhead, and found the property covered in faeces and flies, along with the decomposing body of the 4.6kg puppy.

Liverpool Magistrates Court heard on January 24 that the newly married couple moved out of Dorset Gardens to their current property in Bebington Road, Birkenhead, last year, but did not bring the eight month old puppy as they claimed it would be attacked by their other dog, Molly. Leanne Brookshaw said she had visited Dorset Gardens since moving, and saw water and biscuits but agreed the “place was a s***hole”.

A court heard that the mum of three said she thought her brother was caring for Coco, but agreed last time she checked on the animal, she was skinnier and had lost weight. She described the animal as having access to water but no food, and acting lethargic and weaker than usual.

RSPCA Inspector Joynes, who found the animal, said: “I saw a large area of dried brown liquid directly behind Coco that had patterns and paw/claw marks that suggested to me that she had been collapsed in this area, alive, for a period of time and had been moving around or attempting to get up.

“I noted that she was wearing a collar with a tag containing the name ‘Coco’ engraved onto one side. The collar was far too big, providing some indication of how big the dog may have been at some point before losing body condition, as people generally don't put collars on their dogs that are far too big and can just slip off.”

The RSPCA also confirmed that Coco had been suffering from hunger and starvation for a period of several months prior to her death. The vet said: “She will also have experienced periods of time where she had no access to water and will have suffered from dehydration; however she was obviously able to obtain enough water to survive based on the infrequent visits”.

Coco was left to live in a flat covered in faeces and mess

Speaking after the case, Inspector Joynes said: "It's hard to prepare yourself to walk in and deal with an incident where a dog has been starved to death. You know you can't do anything to help at that stage, and all you can do is remain professional and investigate the case to ensure that the animal’s suffering does not go unanswered.

He added: "It remains one of the saddest sights I've ever seen in 14 years, Coco just lying there dead, emaciated and alone surrounded by children's toys and bits of rubbish, having been completely let down by the people she relied upon."

Leanne Brookshaw and Jonathan Brookshaw were sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment each, suspended for 12 months. They were ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work each, and rehabilitation activity days. Both were told to pay £500 in prosecution costs, plus a victim surcharge of £128, and were disqualified from owning an animal for five years.

Paul Wynne

Paul Wynne leaves Liverpool Magistrates Court

Paul Wynne appeared at Liverpool Crown Court in July of this year after he pleaded guilty to three charges regarding the treatment of animals in his care. Merseyside Police originally attended an address on Rockford Avenue, Kirkby, due to concerns for Wynne.

Neighbours had complained about a bad smell of decay coming from the flat and "maggots coming through the ceiling of the flat below". But this was nothing to the horrors inside the flat, where officers found the skeletal remains of three dogs in an advanced state of decomposition.

The court heard a black lurcher called Blue was found in a crate in the middle of the living room. Upon further inspection it was revealed there was also a second dog, also identified as a lurcher type and called George, in the cage. Prosecutor Peter Mitchell, representing the RSPCA, said the dogs were lying on filthy bedding and the floor was caked in white and black faeces.

There were no food or water bowls and the room was covered in a large amount of flies and other insects. Inspector Louise Showering, of the RSPCA, noted the kitchen door was open and a dead puppy, a saluki cross type dog named Polly, was on the floor surrounded by a pool of dried blood. There were also four ferrets in two hutches found in the back of the garden.

The flat was registered in the name of Wynne's partner Laura Martin. However she had moved out of the flat to look after her sick mum Marie – and while she was gone Wynne changed the locks to stop her discovering the horrors within. After being interviewed by the police Wynne said he left the animals because he "couldn't cope with what happened".

Chelsey Kearns, defending Wynne, said her client had long suffered from depression which he had managed successfully until this incident. She added the suffering of the animals "came from neglect instead of sadism".

Inside Paul Wynne's flat where he left dogs with no food or water for weeks

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Recorder Michael Blakey noted the animals had "suffered considerably" and had "extremely painful" deaths. Noting the fact Wynne is the sole carer for two members of his family, Recorder Blakey told him: "I hope the care you express to your family isn't the same as the poor animals."

However the judge told Wynne, who appeared in court supported by his dad, he had "weighty caring responsibilities" and had realistic prospects of rehabilitation outside of prison. Recorder Blakey sentenced Wynne to 30 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months. He also issued 20 rehabilitation days, 30 hours of unpaid work and disqualified Wynne from owning any animal for 10 years.

Steven Johnson

The conditions Steven Johnson, from Kirkby, kept his dog Diego in

Steven Johnson, from Kirkby, denied neglecting bulldog Diego after the dog was seized by police at the rubbish and faeces-strewn flat in Westhead Avenue. Liverpool Magistrates' Court heard how RSPCA inspector Lisa Lupson had visited the property on June 27 last year after being sent photos of the flat which was filthy and littered with rubbish and used food cans.

The officer told Johnson his dog would not be able to return to living in such an unhygienic environment as he was committing animal welfare offences. He was given the opportunity to rectify the situation. He told her he hadn’t been living at the flat and had already started to clean it up.

But weeks later, inspector Lupson returned to the property to see if the condition had improved. She told the court how the flat was "caked in dirt" and "was in no state for a human or animal to live in".

She said: “Straight away I could see a large amount of flies and noted rubbish at the bottom and all the way up the stairs to the flat. At the top of the stairs I was greeted by more flies and a large pile of filled rubbish bags.

“The floor was caked in dirt and there was nowhere clean to stand. Rubbish and household items also littered the floor. I was hesitant at this point to go further as I already knew the property was in no fit state for a human or an animal to live in.

“When I saw the bathroom I had to try hard not to gag, it was in a disgusting condition. The sink was blocked with dirty water to the top and what appeared to be faeces caked to the toilet. The kitchen was filthy, again containing filled rubbish bags and the floor covered in dirt. The bedroom was also in a similar condition with the floor caked in dirt and rubbish strewn on the bed and floor."

Johnson had denied neglecting the 18-month-old dog but was found guilty for a number of animal welfare offences in his absence at a trial in February. Following a hearing at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court, Johnson was disqualified from keeping all animals for ten years and was given a 12-week prison sentence.

Inside flat of horrors 'no state for a human or animal to live in'

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In interview, Johnson agreed that the living conditions for Diego were unsuitable and he was sorry for not meeting his dog’s needs. Diego is being looked after at a private boarding establishment on behalf of the RSPCA and is doing well.

Speaking after the sentencing hearing at Liverpool Magistrates' Court on April 11, inspector Lupson said: “Conditions at the flat were unsanitary and hazardous and totally unsuitable for humans and animals to be living in. Diego is now enjoying life which is lovely to see. His welfare is much improved and we will be looking to rehome him.”

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