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Local News Reports

Rough sleepers give their only change to help ‘targeted’ business

BySpotted UK

Apr 7, 2023

Rough sleepers and homeless people in Liverpool have been gathering what little money they have and trying to donate it to a coffee shop that has been broken into three times in a fortnight.

The Paper Cup Coffee Shop, based in Queen Square, specifically works to support Liverpool's homeless community. This week it suffered its third damaging break-in in just under two weeks.

Owner Michelle Langan believes the business is now being 'targeted' and is fearing for its future.

READ MORE: 'We're being targeted' – coffee shop smashed up three times in two weeks

She said: "It can't be a coincidence that this has now happened three times in two weeks. It feels like we are definitely being targeted now, which is horrible and scary and sad. Why would you target a coffee shop that specifically supports homeless people in the city?"

Ms Langan said that each time the shop has been broken into it has been the homeless people who have suffered. She added: "They rely on this place for a coffee, a bite to eat and some company so they are furious this keeps happening."

Some members of Liverpool's homeless community have been so upset by what's happened to Paper Cup Coffee they have tried to donate what little money they have to the shop.

After the second break-in Ms Langan shared an image of 30pence in change, adding: "Two of the homeless girls we help have just been to see us. Julieanne was in tears, because she couldn’t believe someone would break in. Jade had 30p, and insisted that we take it ‘its all I have and you have helped me so many times, I don’t forget.’

Homeless people have been donating what little money they have to the Paper Cup Coffee shop after a series of break-ins

After the third break in this week she shared another image, with three £5 notes and some change. She said: "Again it is the homeless that suffer. Four of them have been in today with money for us."

Ms Langan added: "They’ve been really upset by it. The day after the break in the shop was closed, and we had so many homeless people come in to try and get breakfast and try get coffee, but we couldn’t open because there was glass everywhere.

“One of the ladies who comes in each day was really upset and in tears because she couldn’t believe someone would target us in that way, because we’re the place she comes to every day.”

Despite the horror of the repeated break-ins, Paper Cup continues to be well supported by the Liverpool community. Ms Langan added: “We’ve had such lovely support from people, from one guy offering to cover the cost of the door being repaired, to people offering to help with the cost to revamp our security, and people donating.

“I think people have been really horrified that we’ve been targeted not once, but twice. People have been really, really kind.”

You can donate to the Papercup Project here.


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