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Quiet Liverpool city centre as streets deserted this Christmas Eve

BySpotted UK

Dec 25, 2023

Quiet Liverpool city centre as streets deserted this Christmas Eve

Christmas is just a few hours away

Liverpool streets have once again been eerily quiet this Christmas Eve
Liverpool streets have once again been eerily quiet this Christmas Eve

Liverpool's city centre streets have once again been eerily quiet this Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day is just a few hours away and many families will have already started celebrating the festivities. All the planning and preparation throughout the festive season is finally coming to an end.

This weekend, huge crowds have been seen across the city centre as people rushed to buy any last minute Christmas bits or head to the pub for food and drink. But tonight tells a different story.

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For some, Christmas Eve is all about cosying up under blankets watching films and indulging in cheese, crackers and chocolates. But many others like to enjoy a trip to the pub.

This Christmas Eve, our photographer was out and about to capture all the action. But in a similar fashion to last year, streets were looking deserted, with many pubs even closing their doors. A usually busy Matthew Street and Concert Square were both seen empty of people.

One cab driver told the ECHO the evening was likely to remain deserted and many places will be closing their doors early.

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  1. Quiet streets in Liverpool city centre this evening

    Quiet streets in Liverpool city centre this evening

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  2. Liverpool streets have once again been eerily quiet this Christmas Eve

    Liverpool streets have once again been eerily quiet this Christmas Eve

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  3. A usually busy Matthew Street and Concert Square were both seen empty of people

    A usually busy Matthew Street and Concert Square were both seen empty of people

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  1. Bars in Liverpool were deserted, with many closing early

    4 of 6

  2. Christmas Eve is all about cosying up under blankets watching films and indulging in cheese, crackers and chocolates. But many others like to enjoy a trip to the pub

    5 of 6

  3. This weekend, huge crowds have been seen across the city centre as people rushed to buy any last minute Christmas bits

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