A postman was attacked by a German Shepherd dog while on the job.
The Royal Mail worker had been delivering mail to Adele Cassidy's post-box, attached to her fence, when he was savaged by her dog, Ellie. The 57-year-old appeared in Minshull Street Crown Court on Wednesday, October 18, where she pleaded guilty to being an owner in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury.
The court heard how the postman was left with numerous injuries requiring surgery, was off work for five months and has been diagnosed with PTSD after the attack in August last year. The MEN reports Ellie, the dog, slipped under the fence and clamped down on the man's arm.
The dog then bit on the buttocks before she was pulled away by Cassidy and her son. Cassidy, of Lymm, was handed a suspended sentence and walked free from court.
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Her dog was destroyed, after the court heard that the 57-year-old had previously been told to lock Ellie in a cage and undergo animal training following an attack in 2020. The man, who has been working as a postman for 21 years, was delivering his usual route in Lymm.
Hayley Bennett, prosecuting, said: "The dog began nuzzling and pushing its way along the fence, and quickly managed to get under the wire mesh and jumped at him with its mouth open. He had no time to react, and described being frozen in fear.
"He raised his hands and arms in self defence, and the dog clamped its mouth around his arm and hand. It then bit his left arm before biting him from behind on the buttock."
In a statement, he said: "In my job I have been nipped by a dog before and class it as an occupational hazard. However, never in my 21 years have I been subject to such a vicious attack. What would have happened if it had done the same thing to a small child?"
The court heard that Cassidy had a previous conviction for the same offence dating back to 2021, and involving the same dog. In October 2020, the dog had charged at a social worker who was visiting and caused injuries to her back and arm.
She was handed a contingent destruction order, with strict conditions including to keep the dog in a secure cage and to undergo animal training. She failed to do both, breaching the order, it was said.
Representing herself, Cassidy said she believed she complied with the court order after buying a "high quality" cage with a roof and lock mechanism. She said that Ellie had never gone over the fence before and she would usually lock her inside the cage at the time when she knew the postman was coming, but on this day he was earlier than expected.
Sentencing, Judge Bernadette Baxter said the dog was unmuzzled as she followed the postman along the fence before going under the wire mesh and "savagely" attacking him. She said: "Photographs show multiple unpleasant bites all over his body. He screamed for help as your dog attacked him, and you and your son came out and had to physically pull your dog away."
Cassidy, of Paddock Lane, Lymm, was handed 18 months imprisonment which was suspended for two years. She was also ordered to complete 25 days of rehabilitation activity requirements and banned from keeping a dog for three years.
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