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Police given new powers in Prescot after shots fired at homes

BySpotted UK

Aug 15, 2023

Police have been given extra powers after shots were fired in two streets.

Merseyside Police were called at around 1.50pm on Tuesday, August, 15, to reports shots had been fired on Shaw Lane, Prescot. On arrival, officers found that damage had been caused to two properties.

The force said they believe shots were also fired 25 minutes earlier in the direction of a house on Paxton Road in Huyton. Officers said it is not clear at this stage whether any damage was caused.

READ MORE: Five arrested after shots fired at homes

Two men were seen on a motorbike in the two streets before both shootings and enquiries are ongoing to see if the two incidents are linked. There are no reports at this stage that anyone has been injured in either shooting.

At around 4.20pm, five males were arrested on Freckleton Road, in the Grange Park area of St Helens. They were all arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm and will be questioned by detectives. A firearm has not been found at this stage but enquiries are ongoing.

Since the shootings, police have now introduced a Section 60 Order. The order runs from 8pm today until 8am tomorrow, Wednesday 16 August, and extra officers will be in the area to provide a visible presence to reassure communities, police said.

Paxton Road in Huyton

The Section 60 Order covers the area bounded in the map and includes Seth Powell Way, Stockbridge Lane, Knowsley Lane, Liverpool Road, Huyton Lane, Carr Lane, Steely Way, Warrington Road, Dragon Lane, Greene’s Road, Pottery Lane, Wood Lane, Hall Lane, Huyton Hey Road, Lathom Road, Bluebell Lane and Liverpool Road.

The Order, under S60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, gives officers enhanced stop and search powers to stop individuals in the area (pictured) and is designed to minimise serious violence.

Inspector Simon Rowland said: “We’re introducing this Section 60 Order as an extra response and provide us with the powers needed to stop and search people in the area following the reported shootings earlier today. This order is one of a number of measures we are taking to disrupt those who would use these weapons in our community.

“Extra officers will be in the area to search any individuals or groups causing such issues, and to provide reassurance to the vast majority of law-abiding people. Such action isn’t about bothering anyone going about their daily business or preventing people from meeting with friends. It’s simply about taking action to reduce violence and make sure that everyone can feel safe where they live.

“Patrols have also been stepped up to reassure our residents so if you have any information on any offences in the area please speak with our officers.”

You can pass any information by calling 101, via Merseyside Police's social media desk @MerPolCC on Twitter or 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre' on Facebook with reference number 23000757468. You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.

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