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Liam Cain locked up for at least 17 years for murder of Courtney Boorne

BySpotted UK

Jul 21, 2023

Liam Cain has been locked up for life with a minimum term of 17 years for the murder of Courtney Boorne.

The teenager was found unanimously guilty of murdering his girlfriend by a jury at Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday afternoon after one hour and nine minutes of deliberations. She was heard screaming out of the window of the couple's 14th storey flat on Quarry Green Heights in Kirkby moments before police discovered her lifeless body on a bed inside, having been strangled to death aged 20.

Cain appeared back before the court to be sentenced this morning, Friday, via video link to HMP Forest Bank. He showed no reaction as he was told he must serve at least 17 years behind bars before becoming eligible for release on life licence, while Ms Boorne's family – some of whom were wearing t-shirts emblazoned with a picture of Courtney and the message "justice for Courtney Boorne, forever 20" – sat tearfully in the public gallery.

READ MORE: 'Teenage tearaway' walks free after battering pensioner in own home

Sentencing, Judge Brian Cummings KC said: "I am entirely satisfied that, for a period of an hour or more, she was in a state of fear for her life as you on at least two occasions – and probably more – strangled or smothered her, ultimately to death. The clear picture I have is of an essentially defenceless young woman trapped by you in the flat, terrified and calling for help, before you eventually strangled or choked her to death on the bed – her final moments don’t bear thinking about.

"I cannot accept you have shown any meaningful remorse. Remorse being sorry for what you have done.

"You can’t be sorry for what you’ve done, not in any meaningful sense, if you’re denying that you’ve done anything wrong. Especially when that involves blaming the victim and making derogatory asserations about her character.

“I completely reject the suggestion that Courtney Boorne attacked you or that there was any element of self-defence whatsoever in what you did. You were the attacker and she was the victim, pure and simple.

“It gives me no pleasure whatsoever to have to impose what is a very severe sentence on someone as young as you. The fact I must do so flows from the gravity of the offence you have committed.

"Your life will be forever blighted by what you have done. But at least you have your life.

"Your victim has none. The years that she had stretching ahead of her and all that they might have brought are forever gone."

Liverpool Crown Court previously heard that Ms Boorne had phoned her mum Cheryl at around 3.30pm on December 23 last year. During this call, she told her mother "if she didn't hear from her within an hour to call the police, because something was going on".

Around an hour later, a neighbour rang 999 reporting that she could see a woman in an apartment opposite "screaming and climbing onto the window ledge". Gordon Cole KC added during the prosecution's opening last week: "She said that the female appeared to be shouting at someone inside the flat.

"Courtney Boorne was heard to shout 'please'. She was crying and she was shouting, 'he has all the doors locked and he won't let me out'."

Another witness also called the police to "report a female shouting out of the window, screaming, shouting 'call the police, he's choking me'". Mr Cole said: "She was described as screaming, and the window was then closed.

"What they couldn't see, of course, was what was going on inside the flat. The only two people inside the flat were Courtney Boorne and this defendant."

Officers then attended the top floor property "very quickly" and had to force entry upon their arrival shortly before 5pm. They discovered Ms Boorne unconscious on a bed in the bedroom with "visible marks to her neck".

She was rushed to Aintree Hospital, but was pronounced dead at 7.02pm. A post-mortem investigation later found that she had suffered a cardiac arrest "because of the asphyxia, the strangulation, the smothering of her by this defendant".

Courtney Boorne

Cain was arrested after being found "crouched down, leaning on an armchair in the living room" with "scratch marks" on his head and face. The 19-year-old, from Anfield, had sent a text to his dad saying: "I love you the world, everyone.

"I'm so sorry. Tell everyone."

During his trial, Cain callously attempted to blame his victim for the vicious assault. He claimed that he had acted in self-defence after Ms Boorne had attacked him, first hitting him in the head with a plant pot before setting about him with a brush and a knife.

However his account presented glaring inconsistencies. Mr Cole pointed to the location these items would later be found in by police as suggestions the teen was being wholly untruthful.

Firstly, the plant pot was present in its usual home on a table in the living room. And while Ms Boorne had apparently swung the broom at him in this same room, it was in fact discovered in the kitchen.

Cain also said he had disarmed her of the knife and dropped the weapon in their bedroom. But no such blade would be found in said room.

He claimed that Ms Boorne had become furious after he had received a series of phone calls from an unknown number, which apparently led her to become suspicious and demand that he hand over his mobile. However, records showed that Cain had received no such contact that afternoon.