A doctor has revealed a simple hack everyone can do which can help ease, or completely eliminate, a migraine.
Dr Kunal Sood, MD, an expert working at the National Spine and Pain Centers in Germantown, Maryland, regularly shares information and advice concerning various ailments online. In a recent video uploaded to TikTok, the doctor spoke about a clip of a woman as she ran through the hack.
Explaining how she suffers from regular migraines, to “get rid of it fast”, she says she soaks her feet in hot water. Dr Sood then explained: “If you suffer from migraine headaches, here’s a hack to try which has zero side effects and may help. Soaking your feet in hot water – but why exactly does this help?"
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He added: “This will dilate the blood vessels in your foot, pulling blood away from your head, which will ease the pressure on the blood vessels causing your migraine. Which will in turn decrease your pain.”
Dr Sood’s video has been viewed 6.2m times, racking up 162,300 likes and 2,783 comments, at the time of writing. A number of people in the comment section claimed they were recommended getting a daith piercing to help ease migraines.
A daith piercing is an ear piercing that passes through the ear's innermost cartilage fold, the crus of the helix. However, according to WebMD there has been no proof that piercings affect your pain receptors or reduce migraine pain.
One person explained they combined both hot and cold temperatures to ease their migraines, writing, “I put my hands and feet in hot water with a frozen bag of peas on my neck. migraine gone in about 10-15 min with no gross feeling after.” Another claimed Dr Sood’s recommendation worked.
They said: “I did this last week. Soaked my feet for ten minutes in hot water and it worked a treat. I had a mild headache for about four hours after.” A third commented: “I've been doing this for years, I sit on the edge of the tub and run the hot water.”
According to the NHS, a migraine tends to be a very bad headache with a throbbing pain on one side of the head. You may experience a variation of symptoms, which include:
- feeling very tired and yawning a lot
- craving certain foods or feeling thirsty
- changes in your mood
- a stiff neck
- peeing more
You may also get warning signs you're about to have a migraine (called an aura), such as:
- problems with your sight, such as seeing zigzag lines or flashing lights
- numbness or a tingling that feels like pins and needles
- feeling dizzy
- difficulty speaking
Migraines usually last between two hours and three days, with some symptoms (such as feeling very tired) starting up to two days before the head pain starts and finishing after the headache stops. They also recommend these to ease a migraine:
- try sleeping or lying down in a darkened room during a migraine
- try to avoid things you know trigger your migraines, such as certain foods
- stay well hydrated and limit how much caffeine and alcohol you drink
- try to keep to a healthy weight
- eat meals at regular times
- get regular exercise
- get plenty of sleep
- try to manage your stress
The NHS recommends contacting your GP if your migraines are severe or getting worse, or lasting longer than usual; if they happen more than once a week; and if you have difficulty controlling them.
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