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Dad plotted to make millions from the ‘heaviest graft phone about’

BySpotted UK

Sep 17, 2023

A dad bragged of having the "heaviest graft phone about" and spoke of "earning millions" as he secretly trafficked wholesale quantities of drugs.

Connor Roberts was once a well-regarded kids' football coach with links to several amateur clubs across Merseyside. But, unbeknown to the young players who "looked up to him", he was trading kilo amounts of heroin, cocaine, ketamine and cannabis via encrypted communications platform EncroChat in deals potentially worth hundreds of thousands of pounds per time.

Liverpool Crown Court heard this week that the 30-year-old was identified as the user of the handle "GinCleaner" after the network was infiltrated by law enforcement authorities in 2020. Henry Riding, prosecuting, described how messages uncovered during the hack showed that Roberts, of New Street in Halsall, had been involved in discussions concerning the supply of 40.5kg of cocaine, 6kg of heroin, 19kg of ketamine and 19kg of cannabis and had handled cash totalling £1.3m.

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Among the 28 other usernames he worked in partnership with were "LousySteak", "YoungOwl", "MalletLand" and "ApeChest". One of the most revealing conversations found in his communications came in the form of a chat with "GassyZebra" and "OctoMoon" on April 2, in which Roberts stated that he had purchased a graft phone – commonly used by county lines drug dealing operations to send out flare messages, texts advertising illicit substances for sale – from his cousin's partner for £300,000 the previous week.

He described the "24-hour" line as "the heaviest phone about", saying that its previous owner "had it for 12 years" but had "had enough, he's legit now" and had "got loads of houses". The vendor was said to have subsequently received an offer for £350,000 for the device from another potential buyer, but told his relative that the "deal was done" after he had already paid up 80% of the purchase price and that any other sale was "not happening".

Octo Moon said to Gin Cleaner that the latter had "served time for doing that phone" and "put major hours into", which Mr Riding said "suggested that the defendant may previously have operated the graft phone on behalf of others". Roberts then replied "but you're the man who made it happen", accompanied by a smiley face emoji and the words: "I owe you the world son."

The other user then responded "we a team now watch earning millions out that us" followed emojis of a smiley face, a "face with a big grin", a pot with a dollar sign on it and a bottle of champagne. Over the following days, the two spoke of "losing business because one of their underlings, Jason, was not answering the graft phone" – moaning that he was "too slow and stopping us from going levels up".

They decided that they "needed two drivers on weekend nights" and another to do a "weekend morning, 6am till 10am" shift, with Roberts telling Octo Moon that they had "potential to do stupid numbers" and "need to notch up a level". He added: "Lad we are gonna have this phone doing backflips, be doing a corner a week soon."

This was followed up by a photograph of two phones, accompanied by the caption "there's a million quid". Octo Moon then responded "multi millions" and "gonna earn us millions".

Roberts would go on to detail to "OneBread" the sums that had been netted over the period of a fortnight, broken down into day by day figures and even "day and night" columns. One Bread added up the sums and remarked "76k in two weeks", to which Gin Cleaner replied: "Heavy son."

Mr Riding added: "And heavy it is, equating to £380,000 in total over the data capture period of approximately 10 weeks."

Another of Roberts' key contacts was "BullMouth". Detectives later identified Mark Dumbell, of Warrington Road in Prescot, as being the user of this handle after he sent pictures of himself shopping in Costco to others over EncroChat.

Police seized £28,000 of jewellery and a stash of designer goods when his home was raided in December 2020. The then 30-year-old was locked up for 16 years in May 2021 after admitting conspiracy to supply cocaine, ketamine and cannabis – having involved himself in the supply of 28kg, 22kg and 25kg of the respective drugs.

In one message on March 30 2020, Roberts offered "haze" – or cannabis – to him at a price of £5,000 per kilogram before offering to sell him cocaine for £39,000 per kilo a week later on April 6. Then, on May 2, Gin Cleaner discussed the sale of 5kg of the class A drug to Bull Mouth – four of which were sourced from "MerryMode" for £36,000 apiece and one which he described as "mine" and priced at £35,000, giving the overall deal a total value of £179,000.

Further messaging on May 27 concerned the purchase of 17 kilos from One Bread and the sale of 10 to Dumbell. He would later send Roberts a "tick list" in another conversation on June 2, shortly before it became known that EncroChat had been cracked.

Detectives were able to link him to the username in part from the reference to his previous spell behind bars, having served 21 months for possession of cocaine with intent to supply in 2014. Other conspirators were meanwhile found to have referred to Gin Cleaner as "Robo", while the defendant told others how he drove a grey Audi A3 – a 17-plate car which he was behind the wheel of when it was later pulled over by police in July 2020.

In one conversation, the operator of the handle told "ApeChest" that his vehicle was "up at me mum's in Ormskirk" – the area where Roberts' mother lived. Crucially, he also sent "JuicyHyena" a letter he had received in the post from Avon and Somerset Police after being caught speeding on the M4.

Roberts would later use his Encro phone to tell "Rodekerel" that he had already amassed six penalty points on his driving licence. Checks subsequently revealed that he was fined and handed six points in October 2019 for another speeding offence in West Yorkshire.

The new father meanwhile revealed his partner's first name to the user "PalePipe". Roberts was eventually rounded up by police in May this year, with a quantity of cash found hidden in an extractor fan at his home and a Rolex watch also being seized from him.

His two previous convictions for three offences also saw him receive a community order and unpaid work for dangerous driving and possession of cocaine in February this year. The court heard that he had been a member of Nalgo FC for eight years up until his arrest, including coaching the under 14s team, while he also coached at Mayfair FC and was a "dedicated player" and youth coach for Lower Breck FC.

Richard Orme, defending, said on his behalf: "The defendant has in effect, at the first opportunity, fallen on his sword. He is labouring under no misapprehension of the sort of sentence that is to be attracted by this case.

"The principle concern is that by his stupidity, by his greed, by his belief that all that glistens is gold, he has put into effect a separation from his partner, his mother and also his daughter. He missed his daughter's first birthday party.

"He accepts that what he has done was motivated by greed. It is clear that all that glistens is not gold."

Of his client's guilty plea, Mr Orme added: "He has ploughed his own furrow and made a decision which he believes is in the long-term interests of his daughter and his family. Only time will tell, but in my respectful submission it is highly unlikely that he will trouble the courts again.

"He apologises to his family. He apologises to the court.

"Clearly, all he is focussed on now is serving his sentence and being able to get home and see his daughter. He is a man who has effectively dedicated years to coaching and training youngsters in the Merseyside area.

"This is more the sort of person one is dealing with. He is deeply ashamed."

Roberts admitted conspiracy to supply heroin, cocaine, ketamine and cannabis. He was jailed for 14 years on Tuesday, with supporters in the public gallery tearfully waving to him in the dock and saying "love you" as he was led down to the cells.

Sentencing, Recorder Nicola Daley said: "You were a well-established wholesaler and you obviously had a series of customers who you trusted. You obviously had numerous others working underneath you.

"You thought you were invincible by using that device. You are someone who clearly made substantial amounts of money and were undertaking a business in the expectation of of substantial financial gain.

"I take into account that there is another side of you. You apologise for your actions and refer to recently having missed your daughter's first birthday.

"This will be one of many. You have only yourself to blame for becoming involved in such serious criminality.

"You did not learn from your previous sentence, but I hope for the sake of your family and your young daughter in particular that you learn from this sentence. So many children looked up to you.

"You are anything but a role model to the youngsters you have coached. Anybody who works in these courts or reads or listens to the news knows only too well the misery and heartbreak caused by drug abuse in this city.

"Anybody who involves themselves in the supply of controlled drugs needs to think about the destruction they are contributing to. All will be too aware of the fighting between rival organised crime groups in this city and the innocent lives caught up in that warfare."

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