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Dad faces £38,000 medical bill after leg broken in hotel attack

BySpotted UK

Jun 19, 2023

A dad's leg was broken and a mum sustained a black eye after they were attacked on holiday.

Gail Harding, 41, and her partner Ray Jones, 38, were both injured after a group attacked them in their hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica yesterday (June 18). Ray, who suffered a broken leg in the attack, has now been hit with a £38,000 hospital bill.

The couple, from Bootle, are due to fly back on Thursday (June 22), but this will not be possible until Ray has had his operation. Faced with an incredibly expensive medical bill, a GoFundMe campaign has been launched to help them.

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Gail told the ECHO: "We've been on holiday in Jamaica with two friends. We were at the hotel, having a drink and having a laugh in the bar.

"We were on a long table and this group of men were further down. We were approached by them and one told my friend's husband to go outside – for no reason.

"I told him to pack it in and then he hit me square in the face. Ray ran over to help me but he slipped over and broke his leg – his tibia has snapped in two.

"I've got a black eye. My friends were attacked as well – it was horrible".

Gail and Ray will not be able to return home on their scheduled flight. While Ray remains in a local hospital, Gail is trying to organise new accommodation for beyond Thursday.

The couple, who have three children, do have insurance, but they have been told they need to pay for the operation up front and then bill the insurance company. Additionally, Ray will not be taken into the operating theatre until the £38,000 bill is paid.

Gail added: "There's no way Ray can fly home on Thursday. The operation was meant to be today but we have to delay it – it's our only option.

"The hotel swapped us to another of theirs and kicked the other group out. But I've been trying to sort out more accommodation ever since."

To view and donate to the GoFundMe, click here.

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