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Local News Reports

Concerns over plans for dozens of homes at care home site

BySpotted UK

Mar 14, 2023

Concerns have been raised over plans for dozens of homes on the site of two care homes in Maghull amid fears of overdevelopment in the area.

The building of 75 new homes on land south of Deyes Lane in Maghull has been recommended for approval by Sefton Council planning officers.

The development would include 53 two-storey houses, with most being detached. Four two-storey apartment blocks, comprising 16 apartments in total would also be spread across the site with one three-storey block also included, containing six apartments.

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Following objections submitted by residents and the proposal being called in by Maghull independent councillor Patrick McKinley, the application will be put before a meeting of the council’s planning committee on Wednesday for determination.

Concerns were raised by Cllr McKinley at the level of development in Maghull in recent years, who also stated the area is “taking on more than its fair share” of housing already.

Cllr McKinley also said there would be a loss of green space, fears around traffic from the development and congestion from additional vehicles as well as concerns over drainage and whether the development is contrary to Maghull’s neighbourhood plan.

A total of 27 objections were received from local residents as well as a petition signed by 17 residents.

Some of the issues raised included highway safety, living conditions and the pressure the development could bring on infrastructure in the area.

In a report produced by planning officers ahead of the meeting, it is noted one of the care homes on the site is currently, having already relocated to another location and the other is due to move to a site nearby. Officers recommended a condition that would ensure the existing care home is vacated before redevelopment began.

Although the site is earmarked for care home facilities and not residential development, officers stated that the alternative use for residential housing would be “generally compatible with the surrounding area.”

Officers further stated that the design of the development would be in keeping with the “character” of the surrounding area, which is one of the oldest parts of Maghull, with “established and imposing Victorian

The planning report states that all of the homes in the development satisfy requirements in terms of minimum space standards and outdoor amenities.

In terms of highway safety, officers state that a transport assessment has been carried out into the likely impact of the development, with a highways officer having reviewed the plans and lodged no objections to the scheme.

Concerns were raised about the development being close to a local wildlife site with a condition recommended to ensure the safety of nearby water voles and otters through mitigation measures. Measures to protect bats, birds, badgers and hedgehogs were also recommended.

The report recommends a series of Section 106 developer contributions, including to offset additional pressure on the Sefton coastline, and towards for additional traffic measures to be introduced alongside the development.

In addition, a Section 106 agreement is recommended for the management of open space on the site and to ensure a mix of affordable housing. The applicant has suggested an amount just below the council’s 25% requirement, but which officers said is acceptable and complies with council policy.

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