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Face of ‘animal’ whose brutal attack left ex with broken jaw and memory loss

BySpotted UK

Aug 18, 2023

This is the face of the 'animal' who left his ex partner with a brain injury and memory loss after launching a brutal attack on her.

Karl Machin broke his ex partner's jaw and eye socket and knocked out her teeth in a life-changing attack that he filmed on his phone. The woman, who doesn't want to be named, was left with such severe injuries a police officer mistakenly thought she had dyed her hair red.

The woman asked police to share the photos of her face and the awful injuries, to show the damage Machin caused her.

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Warning: graphic image below

It was on Sunday December 4 last year that Machin launched the horrifying attack, leaving the woman with memory issues, speech impairment, and a brain injury among other injuries. The woman said she suffers with flashbacks and nightmares as a result of the incident, and said the 'significant injuries' have been matched by the 'horrific' emotional and psychological damage it caused.

She said in her victim impact statement given to the court: "I am on edge and feel exposed and unsafe, always looking over my shoulder in case someone is behind me who might hurt me. I struggle to sleep due to nightmares as even in my sleep I relive what happened to me.

The woman wants people to see how badly she was injured

“I feel vulnerable and unsafe in my own home now as I still have vivid flashbacks of what happened to me there, my home feels like it has been defiled and is no longer my sanctuary and safe space.

"I am irrevocably changed and feel I have had some of the best parts of me taken away and obliterated.”

Machin, 44, of Charles Street, Blackpool admitted Section 18 wounding and was jailed for seven years and two months. He was also given a 10-year restraining order.

Readers slammed Manchin for his crimes. One ECHO reader said: "My god that poor woman, that animal should be caged forever. I hope you can find some peace knowing he's not around to hurt you while you start your journey to recovery."

Another reader said: "My gosh what a horrible man. I don't know how anyone can do that to another human being." They then addressed his victim, adding: "[I] hope your future picks up and you find the strength to move forward. Very brave to share."

One reader said: "That poor woman has to live with these injuries and mental anguish for the rest of her life. What the hell is wrong with people."

Another said: "What a dreadful thing to do to another human being. This evil man should have got 20 years without parole at least.

"I can only wish this woman well and trust she finds peace and happiness in the future."

Det Con Jo Clement, of Blackpool Police, said: “Karl Machin subjected his victim to a brutal, severe and life-changing assault which left her not only with horrific injuries but with lasting psychological damage too. He is clearly an extremely violent individual and I welcome both the custodial sentence and the restraining order imposed by the court.

“I would like to praise the victim for having the courage to speak about what happened to her and to be prepared to go through the court process. I hope her bravery will give other women who may be in violent or abusive relationships the confidence to come forward and report it to police safe in the knowledge we will investigate professionally and sensitively and that we will seek to put offenders before the courts and get justice for victims.”

Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone.

NHS advice says if you are at risk of domestic abuse or violence you can:

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