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Experts share eight healthy habits to help you live 20 years longer

BySpotted UK

Jul 25, 2023

Eight habits that could help people live more than 20 years longer have been identified by researchers.

An American study isolates eight factors that have the biggest impact on living a longer life – being physically active, being free from opioid addiction, not smoking, managing stress, having a good diet, not regularly binge drinking, having good sleep hygiene, and having positive social relationships.

The research found low physical activity, opioid use and smoking were associated with around a 30-45% higher risk of death, while stress, binge drinking, poor diet, and poor sleep hygiene were each associated with around a 20% increase, and lack of positive social relationships was linked with a 5% increased risk of dying.

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Men who had all eight of the habits, were predicted to live an average 24 years longer than men with none of the habits, according to the findings, and women with all eight habits in middle age were predicted to live an extra 21 years, compared with women with none of the habits.

Life and wellbeing coach, Natalie Trice said: “If making these small but mighty adjustments could help you to live for an extra 20 years, maybe it’s time to make those changes”. She has shared the following insights and tips below:

1. Do more exercise

Trice said: “Going for a walk, having a swim, running with friends, even just a good old dance-off in the kitchen can get your heartbeat up and those feel-good endorphins pumping – so get your trainers on and start moving”. Regular exercise can help prevent a wide range of major diseases – plus it’s great for keeping stress levels in check.

2. Manage stress

Trice suggests adopting simple stress-busting practices such as mindfulness meditation, and enjoying hobbies and sports. She said: “These can profoundly impact overall wellbeing, as you bring your stress levels down. This isn’t about pretending everything’s great, but rather looking at easy habits you can adopt that will take down the stress, which can lead to anxiety and burnout.”

3. Don’t smoke

Quitting smoking is an essential step in improving health and potentially adding years to your life. Trice points out that while some people may think reaching for a cigarette takes the edge off their stress, there are healthier ways to cope.

Trice added: “Maybe going running or taking up yoga could be the release and focus you need, and one that will help you live longer, smell fresher and feel better. Also, with the cost of cigarettes going up all the time, giving up will free up cash for the things in life that really need to be paid for.”

4. Don’t binge drink

Official guidelines suggest drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol a week (equivalent to six medium glasses of wine or six pints of beer), spread across at least three days. Trice said: “By cutting down on booze, you’re doing your body and brain a massive favour.

“Drinking every night will impact your body and could affect your sleep and work performance. Enjoy life, but if you want to enjoy it for longer, then keep tabs on your drinking.”

5. Eat healthily

She added: “We all know about eating five-a-day but doing this can be tough if you’re busy with family and work. If you can start to do this, you’ll feel better. Focus on eating regularly and thinking about what you put in your body, so that it works for you, not against you.”

6. Don’t take drugs

Recreational drugs can harm health in a number of ways. Trice suggests those affected start by speaking to a trusted friend or their GP, and “look at the support which could not only extend your life, but save it”.

7. Try to get good sleep

Trice said: “It’s vital that we look at getting a decent night’s sleep, as this can help you feel so much better. Making sure you have a sleep routine in place can be helpful and can be as easy as having no screens in the bedroom, having a bath or shower before you hit the sack, as well as making sure the temperature is right and you have curtains to keep the light out in the mornings.”

8. Nurture positive social relationships
Trice added: “If you’re able to nurture a supportive network of friends, colleagues and family, this can lead to improved mental and emotional wellbeing and a longer life.”

Lacking social connections? Look at local volunteering opportunities and community walks and groups. Making friends can take time, but even finding ways to regularly spend time and interact with others can help.

The research was presented at Nutrition 2023, the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, and used data from 719,147 people enrolled in the Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program.

Xuan-Mai Nguyen, health science specialist at the Department of Veterans Affairs, said: “We were really surprised by just how much could be gained with the adoption of one, two, three, or all eight lifestyle factors. Our research findings suggest that adopting a healthy lifestyle is important for both public health and personal wellness. The earlier the better, but even if you only make a small change in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, it still is beneficial.”

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