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Teen thought he was just tired from work until he was given life changing news

BySpotted UK

Jul 1, 2023

An 18-year-old said he knew something was wrong after he could not get out of bed.

Bradley Stout Miller was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in September 2022 and did not think something like this could "ever happen to him". The former carer was a happy teenager with a full social life before he started losing weight at an alarming rate and could not figure out why.

Bradley said things took a turn for the worst when he was not able to get out of bed and his mum eventually made him see a GP. He was then told he had cancer just a few days after his 18th birthday.

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Bradley told the ECHO: "I used to work a lot and was struggling to breathe I had shortness of breath even when I was in the shower. I used to wake up in the night and I would be soaking with sweat.

"I had become so skinny and my mum kept saying that I did not look like the same person. At the time I just thought I was tired from work."

Bradley during his treatment

After running tests doctors found a mass in Bradley's neck, he was then told he had Hodgkin Lymphoma an uncommon and aggressive cancer that develops in the lymphatic system.

Bradley from St Helens said: "After the diagnosis, I lived in denial for a while and when I had my first round of chemo I was bed bound for weeks and was in a wheelchair. Then I started to lose my hair which was one of the hardest parts to go through. My hair was such a massive thing to me and especially at my age."

Bradley underwent 12 cycles of chemotherapy from November 2022 to May 2023 and said that he suffered from bouts of depression and had to see a therapist. The former Sutton Academy pupil said he did "not know how to handle everything."

Bradley with his family after ringing end-of-treatment bell at Clatterbridge

Bradley is now waiting on his results after ringing the end-of-treatment bell at Clatterbridge earlier this year and will find out next month if he is cancer free.

Bradley said: "When I rang the bell everyone was in tears, all the way through chemo that was all I spoke about. It was such an emotional day and a really good day when I got to do it.

"Right at this minute I feel like myself and everything is going a lot better. My hair is growing back and I have put weight on.

"But I can't start living my life again until I get my results next month, I feel better in myself but I don't know if I am cancer free… I just never thought this would happen to me I was just a normal person."

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